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Sculpt Villain.

Villains backstory.

i was given a task to craft my own villain of some form. 
i had to crate a short but detailed backstroy for my villain then draw anatomical sketchs with annotation so i chould draw 3 character disigns to fit the backstory. i also had to do a few practice runs in mudbox and present evednce for it. and finaly do the final mudbox digsen of the chosen supervillen sketch that i have done with skull setchs i did in class

lately evryday homeless children have been kidnaped off the streets and the law are not intrested in know.. who knows why ?
A once beautfuil and innocent homeless human child, with neon pink hair, green eyes and a adorable smile to match kidnaped and forced to be mutated in to a demonic crature by sientests unwillingly. when much older and no understanding of the outside world haveing a dislike to all humans falls in to the wrong hands, a currput man a serial killing psycopath infact, who at first only wanted to ues the child for greed and revenge, but then started to care for the child with tough love causeing it to become rather emotionless for evrything other then him and animals. the child made the man unknowingly rich and even more currpt with the child as a secret wepond. her drive became the mere view of someone loseing there blood and watching the life drain out there eyes slowly. this became very enjoyable for her. she was still inocent as she didnt even understand what she was doing was a bad thing

the child was incoect and younge when kidnaped so the only good memorys the child had was off the freshly made bread that the old women in the homeless charty works gave them and the wildlife in the park evrynight. the child had a soft sopt for animals. espicaly the gard dog owned by the man

A child with a face of meteled flesh and bone wereing cclouths he found in the trash dureing a curis from after he got kidnaped.

i have draw this charter to have a cute and adorable look at first but has a melted fleshy face anddepressing but psycotic personality 

a bell hat and booties so that all you can hear when he is killing you is manic laghting and the soothing sound of bells jingling.


Villain Idea: one

Villain Idea: two


Villain Idea: three 

Villain Idea: four

Villain Idea: five

a girl who was once innocent and beautfuil but grew cruppit after the kidnapping and expresmntastions.

with mentel bones this cyborg had become the perfect wepond with out even realise what she is done is classed as bad

 a crature once beautfuil buildt from diffrent spechies unwillingly and foced to were it as a scar forever in his reflecsion .
i hvae draw theis chater to look magnifacent and powerful but broken on the inside. 
and as if all his body parts have been switched or rearancged and melted down to bone

I made this charter to resemble meleted acidy flesh that is just bearly sticking to bone from so meany expesrements, ashamed to look in the mirrer of what a hidiuous monster the child has grown in to since the kidnapping 

i chose this villain out of the rest because to me the back story seemed to fit this charitor the best with the fleshy yet boney skin and broken and mutated humaniod body parts that hung all over the place 

with a grotqesic feel of this monster where you whould personaly run away or attack at first sight
where this crature or what was a younge boy is just an innocent child who has been mulipulated to do evil peoples biddings without realiseing 
growing the lust for blood 

a bueatful younge girl mutated by the goverments sinitaists after by being kidnaped by them trying to find the correct path not knowing right from wrong and a unsatafactiory thirst for blood

when we was first introduced to mudbox, we was taught the few basic tools such as the sculpt tool ,the kife tool and the grab tool.
with thease basic tools we was told to explore and pratice with mudbox, not only did this allow us to luren more about mud box and other tools but it gave us a chance to teach each of the other students what we lurend and even to gain tips from the animation class.
Dureing my mudbox practice i wanted to try how meany of the diffrent tools, some of the most  uesful tools that i found were the stamp tool, print tool and inflate other then the basic tools that i was allready shown.
I really enjoyed the pratice and what was to come.


this is my final design near the start of the progress where i have finaly gotton the shape i want to sculpt with.

i started with a humanoid  faceal shape and uesd the grab tool to move it around in a skull like shape to my preferance

after that i started adding more detail with the stamp tool to see how i whould like things too go. this inclueded alot of removeing and repeating 
whitch i belvie was worth it within  the end.

after adding more details and messing around with the diffrent stamp types, i had finaly chosen what stamps i wished to ues after adding more  detials to the eyes, tounge and nose areas.


Final Project

after putting the final details on such as the extra horns and stamp effects i chosen to do a patchy paint that i sadly wasnt able to finsih. even thogh i wont be able to finsh the final sclupt to my point of satasfaction in time for my exam i will still be posting it when it is truely compleated.

i had uesd the paint and projection tool too get the final effects that i have acheeved from 3 random photos from google whitch i have placed below with the final exam image. 

if i had more time i whould  put more detail around the jaw and paint it better

but other then that i am very proud of what i have acheevid as this is my first sirious sculpture on mudbox

Mudbox Practice

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